Sunday, December 6, 2009

Turkey Trot 2009

While the event was more than a week ago, I have been too emotionally and physically vulnerable to document this moment in mustache history. Prior to Turkey Trot 2009 my only experience with running has been with diarrhea and the photo finishes to relinquish my bowels after a long night of drinking with stuart. But after growing my stache, it helped me persevere in a manner unrivaled in all my life. With the help from my mustache I was able to run a half marathon prior to consuming copious amounts of turkey and yams just hours later. Well, maybe not a half marathon -- but it was two of the most brutal miles Ive experienced in my life.

Did I nearly collapse? Yes. Did I shit my pants? Yes. But neither of which can be considered the mustaches fault. In fact, if it weren't for this sweet duster I might never've reached the starting line.


  1. You are a champion. Running two miles with shit in your pants is never easy. Trust you know I have been there. Had I been equipped with some handlebars I coulda made it.

    Good man. Good man.

  2. Thanks for the props, D-Train! The worst part of long distance running with fecal matter in your pants is the post-dash rash. Still stings...Bad.
